Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Greetings, Tanglers and Colorists!  I hope to see you at our next coloring party tomorrow night (January 20th) at 7pm in the Community Room.  There will be a drawing for this amazing coloring book, Sherlock: The Mind Palace.  If you miss our meeting, I'll post the names of any tangles we learn together, and there will be another coloring party coming up on (Wednesday night this time) February 10th, same time, same room.

Also, we've just confirmed that Linda from Bozeman, a CERTIFIED Zentangle instructor, will be coming to teach us the Zentangle basics and shading in March!  Stay tuned for the date!

In the meantime, ponder this:
"Coloring can elicit a physical state of deep rest, which can change our physical and emotional responses to stress and anxious feelings.  Therapeutic advantages to coloring can include increased focus, better sleep practices, brain stimuation, and lower levels of overall stress responses."
- Tracy A. Kuhar, MA, LMFT  excerpt from The Coloring Studio by Somerset Studio.

Color on, people, color on!  -JW